Monday, December 15, 2008

Ofelia Sanchez

Ofelia is a hero. Ofelia is a person that looks quiet & shy, but when she gets comfortable she breaks out of her shell (so to speak). Ofelia works with school parents, giving tours. She started working when her oldest child was in P-K, and she would also help out with community. Ofelia is a parent-teacher for younger students in the 3rd grade. she tutors them. For 5-6 years, Ofelia  volunteers in classrooms. She a Latina. Ofelia grew up in Chicago, dropping out of high school because of her needs. She has 3 kids with another coming soon. Ofelia always has helped because she knows how it feels to be left behind; she helps students that are falling back, or kids that don’t know English, or don’t know English well. She wants to be a bilingual teacher. She tells others to “keep your head up, be strong. It’s hard work in the real world.” Even though she might not think she’s a hero, she is. Ofelia helps children that need help in their work, or in anything else. Her kids should be proud of her. She won’t back down on helping the children, I know that for a fact.

Dinah Torres

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